The Land Of The Clouds
06/29 2021
The land of the clouds open up before me,
With its vast mountain ranges,
Waterfalls that pour down to earth from gaps in-between
And its inhabitants that wave before they explode
I'm only here as a visitor, you see I can only handle so much
I can only fall in love that many times
Before I fall down and become unable to get up again
Clouds move in layers, like a wave
And the sun cuts through like a knife.
I have to close my eyes,
And when I open them up again
Their land is closed to me.
It disappears just as it appears
The shadow man besides me, unfazed
By the ground that's missing in front of him
He looks on toward the white painted sky with a curious look on his face
There's something to be found there,
He knows it ---
So he walks over the edge
And he continues forward, floating
On his draining shadow.
People shout in fear,
But it doesn't matter anyways,
At least not to him returning to his previous existence
One day some indeterminate amount of days later
At the train station that had just opened, about 5AM,
I thought I saw something profound but it turned out to be a plastic bag
Carried by the wind to some strange place
I imagine it by the land of the clouds, acting as a sail
To all of their bad thoughts, their minds ---
Too, can only handle that much
Before they pour out the sides, and never can hope to get back up again.
To the land of the clouds,
With its vast mountain ranges
That one can form with your own fork.