Long-forgotten, yet, yet...
12/29 2020
In moments of contemplation,
Empty of all desires
Find my love reigning
By the controls of the marionette that dangles
From the roof, and while I may ramble
Yet, yet I call for the truth
From that broken wing,
Far above that long-forgotten heart
In the spring her name echoes,\
That fatal name of violent water
Dripping from neglected pipes,
From that foreign touch
By the early rays
Of that long-forgotten spring
While I'm still alone and I keep calling
Nor tears, or fears flow toward you
In that land on which you dwell,
(Pencil high in your hand)
Call me dead before I undress
I don't know what you understand, nor do I want to
I want to be loved, unlike you
Shrines are there for faith and not for fame
The rivers flows for you, but only in blood
While I walk up to you, still,
I only walk up to you in sad relief
As it pours down my neck, cold drops and fever