Master and slave, push and pull
01/28 2023
Master and slave, push and pull
Are they seperate or are they entwined?
Full of questions at the stall with the cabal
Rocking to the rhythm of the only thing to find,
A solution to the perpetual words of night and day you cannot recall.
Meanwhile the bartender struggles to make a joke for fifty cents extra pay,
And her friends hit the table, howl in laughter and say:
"Oh, this is really the best!" and she nods okay.
Master and slave, push and pull.
The explanation is so simple, I just can't put it into words.
You nod approvingly and light a complementary cigarette, full
Of yesterdays promises at bottles divided neatly into thirds:
One for yesterdays, one for tomorrows, and one for todays.
Not that I'd ever leave you to stray
Without first telling me why you want it explained in the first place,
I take the last from your pack, light it and say "I'll try it your way."