I Go To The Movies, Sometimes.

I go to see a movie starring Robin Williams,
Laughing throughout, saddened at parts.
Seeing his eyes I'm inclined to believe him,
Even though they were drenched, and I am dry.

It rains as I make my exit, and I walk on
Getting soaked, most definitely,
But more importantly the whole complacency
Exhaled from me to the gutter.

And even echoing in the following days
Of simultaneous ice and fire,
Confusion, heartlessness and alcohol
Among the uncontrollable laughter.

The faces in my constructed web
Of my own little constellation project
Start to fade, start to dissipate
I'm falling, falling out of reality.

I go to see a movie starring Robin Williams,
I laugh throughout, I smile to the person next to me
My own version is reflected in the eyes of other
Myself is merely a husk gazing straight down.