In the elevator, Wagner. Who else?
03/17 2022
There were of course the nearly forgotten dreams
Alongside the newly formed possibilities of life,
Or how you used to look out the peephole
And see her returning with her groceries, and yeast
Wagner speaks those moments, and you remain silent.
There is the obvious melody you've hummed since childhood
It has always been original, it has always been part of you
It has always played as you've studied for who you're to become
It has always been unplayable, and unrepeatable, if for a whistle;
But apparently Wagner already spoke, and you remain silent.
To the elevator in the morning where she appeared:
I was to say something but you intervened,
There was the future in the grasp of my hand,
And of course the smell of a newly grown pine,
But Wagner in his godhood appeared, and it moved to the bottom.
To ancient moments tethered forevermore,
Forsooth, in but the words can I hope to escape it.
But even words betray me. All but the glance,
Looking in as the floors of the apartment dwell
Ever close to zero, and I sit pondering over Wagner
Pull me from it, and from it myself with it.