With eyes which would refuse
04/26 2023
With eyes which would refuse
To wait for the day,
Not to mention a coffee cup
In bodegas at midnight.
Order half a drink of water, half a gallon gasoline,
And listen to the lonely professor
With a nasally voice
Make an explanation so complicated
That it convinces others
Only in virtue of them not understanding it.
Let those ideas propagate
Through values not reconsidered
Since the world was so much bigger,
And begging to be explored.
The man who goes like Banquo's ghost,
Hollow eyes whose pupils don't dilate,
Who skulks around the long drawn shadows
Of the afternoon sun which aches to set
Reciting enticing sins for the nearly dead
And selling salvation if they ever forget.
Hug him and feel the cold skin
And how it entices your shin
To travel quickly upwards to his groin.
Curious eyes which blink,
And I try to keep up, if I can.
I'm just afraid that she'll wake up one day,
And realize her last name is Willard.